About Us



CEO & Founder & Mother of Kiasha’s MTL Private Limited

B.Sc. Statistics Honours
Model & Actress
Mommy to two

* Entrepreneur * Planet Warrior * Mom Influencer * Foodie * Explorer

How we started?

I faced the exact same problem every women faces… cupboard full of clothes but absolutely nothing to wear! And my kids cupboards were worse, with them outgrowing their things at rocket speed 🙂

That’s where this idea originated from in 2020… Needed to create an easy platform where all other mommies like me could sell off the hardly used items and spread some love & joy to other mommies and babies too, who could buy the essentials at a lot lower than market price and in the process end up taking a step towards sustainability and saving our planet for our kid’s future too !

We love to gift & spread some smiles as well...

Once a month, we celebrate by giftin & spreading smiles… Again, The idea is to NOT WASTE. We may not find any purpose left in product but by gifting it to another who is in need…

We surely give & receive a lot of love !

How do we function ?

Our journey so far has been spectacular